Believe in DevOps
CI/CD isn’t just best practice—it’s essential for modern DevOps teams.
Continuous integration (CI) encourages collaboration within teams through the continuous checking of code (and making small changes, when necessary). The integration of constant testing and validation helps automate the creation of applications.
Continuous delivery (CD) automates delivery. CD, which is the continuation of CI, involves implementing code changes for test environments and deployment.
Many teams strive for CI/CD DevOps practices. We can help you achieve them.
Implement CI/CD into your team
Our team lives and breathes the DevOps philosophy. We can help implement CI/CD into your team’s practices, allowing you to rapidly deploy your code and ship your apps with confidence, speed, and security. This will allow you to minimize the time between local development and production.
Meanwhile, we’ll help you bring your engineering team’s skills and experience to the next level.
CI/CD Benefits
Simplified collaboration
Making smaller, more frequent changes to your code helps simplify changes, resulting in fewer overall issues
Faster fault isolation
Figure out what went wrong in less time
Shorten MTTR
Reduce mean-time-to-resolution
Improve testability
Gain in-depth insights into positive and negative results
Shorten release cycles
Speed up your targeted releases, leaving time to develop more features
Increase responsiveness
Implement end-user feedback in hours, not weeks